Why join ICIA?

As demonstrated by the Constitution of ICIA, ICIA welcomes enterprises and institutions in the content creation, production, and dissemination process in the fields of news, publication, broadcasting, film, television, and music to join. ICIA is a platform for all parties to search for new development opportunities, explore to build more win-win business models that benefit all interested parties in the information content industry, ensuring a bright future for all.

  • Content producing enterprises can easily get innovative technical support, while the technical enterprises can easily reach out to their target customers.
  • Members can enjoy privileged service on copyright trade, which will expand the marketing space and open up new information channels via the ICIA platform.
  • Members can have more opportunities to exchange ideas and interact with other members to get more information and enlightenment on the application of new technologies to the content industry.
  • Members will be part of the community which is active in integration and communication in the digital era.