ICIA-ISLI RA Attended the 44th ISO/TC46 Plenary Meeting
2017-06-01 15:06:01

ICIA, as ISLI RA and a Category A-Liaison organization of ISO/TC46/SC9, attended the 44th ISO/TC46 Plenary Meeting held in Pretoria, South Africa, on 22nd -26th May, 2017. The meeting was organized by South African Bureau of Standards (SABS). Rick Lv, Vice Chairman and CTO of ICIA, attended the meeting with three other colleagues.


The Plenary Meeting opened on May 22nd, over 80 delegates from 10 countries participated in the meeting. During the meeting, Sub-Technical Committees and Working Groups held 26 meetings with different themes to discuss the relevant international standards and their work. ICIA attended the Opening of the meeting, Ad hoc Identifiers Interoperability Meeting, Ad hoc Registration Authorities Meeting, TC 46/SC 9 Plenary and TC 46 Plenary.


To better perform ISLI RA's responsibilities and Registration Authority Agreement for ISO 17316 under framework of ISO, ICIA set up ISLI RA Consultative Committee and employed experts from TC46 as consultants. During TC 46 Plenary, including Cai Xun, Chief Expert of China Working Group for drafting ISLI standard, Stella Griffiths, Chairperson of TC46/SC9, Todd Carpenter, Secretary of TC46/SC9, Paul Jessop and Sam Gyun Oh, expert of TC46/SC9, attended a meeting of Consultative Committee held by ICIA. ICIA turned to them for advice to optimize ISLI standard service and promotion work, as well as to enhance the interconnection between identifier standards and registration authorities, to probe into and expand application of ISLI standard.



ISO/TC 46 Plenary held on May 26th, the Plenary passed a series of Plenary Resolutions, determined relevant personnel appointment and removal and work plan for the next year.


The 44th ISO/TC 46 Plenary Meeting successfully closed on May 26th.

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